ntcamp 2010 PLN Panel

I have been graciously asked by Andrew Marcinek to participate in a panel at ntcamp 2010 on Personal Learning Networks (PLNs) with my friends and colleagues Tom Whitby, Kyle Pace and Steven Anderson. One of the most important resources that a new teacher can have is other teachers.  Without a strong base of support, many…

More PLN Power

My new friend Kyle Pace send me a message on Twitter on Wednesday asking me about my Wallwisher activities I had been doing with my students.  I sent him a few links, and he messaged me back saying he had left a message on our Haiti wall with a resource. When my 5th grade class…

Google Wave: First Impressions

This Saturday I received my invite to Google Wave.  I could hardly contain myself–what was all the hype about?! After clicking on the invite link in my email, Wave automatically created my account using my Google account profile information.  My picture automatically loaded as well as my name.  All of my Google contacts who also…